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作者:听力时间:2024-07-29 17:01:13 阅读数: +人阅读

画龙点睛driving force意为“推动力”,可用简单的root一词进行替换 大学英语四级考试听力练习及答案解析 听力真题Passage Two 29 A A basket B A cup C An egg D An oven 30 A To let in。


2020年7月大学英语四级听力真题原文短文1 Section C Directions In this section, you will hear three passages At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions Both the passage and the questions wi。

2013年6月大学英语四级真题听力原文 Part III Listening Comprehension Section A DirectionsIn this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and2 long conversations At the end of each conversation, one or more questions。

2014年6月大学英语四级听力真题及答案 Listening Comprehension 30 minutes Section A Directions In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations At the end of each conversation, one or more。

固定完成英语四级听力的训练,让我们的大学不留下遗憾下面是我给大家整理的大学英语四级听力专题训练,供大家参阅! 大学英语四级听力专题训练 听力真题 Section C Compound Dictation There are a lot of good cameras available at the。

众所周知,在四六级考试中,听力部分一直是考生们复习的重点,也是令大家最头疼,同时也是很容易失分的地方大学英语四级真题听力短文 Chris is in charge of purchasing and maintaining equipment in his Division at Tax。


2015年6月13日的英语四级考试刚刚结束,本次考试为多题多卷,整理了不同版本的真题及参考答案,供考生参考,下面是整理的 2015年6月英语四级听力真题答案及解析含听力音频 ,欢迎查看 2015年6月英语四级听力短对话原文 1 W I。

2013年6月英语四级听力真题 Part III Listening Comprehension Section A Directions In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and2 long conversations At the end of each conversation, one or more。

Lions#39 tracksConversation 1 M I bet you#39re looking forward to the end of this month Are you?W Yes, I am How did you know?M David told me you had a special birthday coming upW Ohyeah。


大学英语四级听力2003年6月真题 Part I Listening Comprehension 20 minutes Section A Directions In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what。

Q11M Oh my god! The heat is simply unbearable here! I wish we’d gone to the beach insteadW Wow, with the museums and restaurants in Washington, I’d be happy here no matter what the temperature。





